Kill a Cat Show by Alexandra Wingate
Kill a Cat Show is a collection of works by Alexandra Wingate & collaborators. Liv joined Kill a Cat Show as a dramaturge and guest performer.
Kill a Cat Show examines the aesthetic and emotional relationships between the hyper-aestheticized females we see in popular culture and the darker results of sexual objectification. How do the almost alchemical processes between emoting, movement, clothes, light and sound create “sexiness”, and the impression of beauty and glamour? What happens in the collision between an artificial language of “sexy” and a multifaceted human being? In what ways can beauty be empowering and when does it erode self-expression and connections between people?
In the work we explore and embody the unholy alliance between sexuality, power and money that can turn a person into a commodity. At the same time not all “sexiness” is artificial. We want the audience to witness and feel what you might call an authentic expression of enticement, sensuality and pleasure. The work challenges the audience member´s act of looking and it questions when the act of looking is empathic communication and when it moves towards a mode of consumption.